About One\Third

ONE\THIRD is a think tank that gather minds and interest groups representing the entire food chain

ONE\THIRD is a think tank that gather minds and interest groups representing the entire food chain from ‘farm to fork’, public authorities and the research community to help combat and prevent food waste and food loss.

Together we aim to create tangible impact for Danish society, while working with our global partners to effect real change in food waste and loss internationally, aligning specifically with the UN Sustainable Goal 12.3 to, by 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.


Onethird of all food is lost or wasted

One third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted in the process from production to consumption. Food waste is an environmental, economic and ethical issue. Every year, food waste is responsible for an estimated 8% of greenhouse gases, costs $940b and while we are producing twice the amount of food needed to feed the planet’s inhabitants, too many of the world’s population are starving.

The time for action is now!


The purpose of One\Third

The main purpose of ONE\THIRD is to to develop and implement a solid foundation of accountable nationwide programs, research and initiatives carried out within all layers of the food value chain, thus strengthening Denmark’s position as a global leader in the fight against food loss and food waste.

In particularly we will focus on activities within civil society’s battle against food waste, general business opportunities, international cooperation and improved data and data accessibility.

The five focus areas


Support the civil society’s battle against food loss and food waste


Contribute to general business opportunities for Danish companies


Offer insights on how to overcome barriers to preventing food waste and food losses


Ensure that data collection and verification is improved


Cooperate with foreign partners on know-how and sharing of experiences


The overall purpose of one\third is strengthening the efforts on preventing food loss and food waste

Sender text

Louise Gade

The board

ONE\THIRD is supported by a large range of expertise and know-how. ONE\THIRD’s board consist of recognized leaders and agenda setters across a broad area of expertise. The members are the back-bone of the project and represent the entire food value chain from farm to fork.

Furthermore, a diverse range of international experts and organisations provide access to a network of valuable knowledge.

View the board members


How we work

The main purpose of our work is to develop and implement a solid foundation of accountable nationwide programs, research and initiatives that strengthen the fight against food loss and food waste.

To do that our members are operating in different working groups that together covers our focus areas; Support for the civil society’s battle against food loss and food waste, contribute to general business opportunities for Danish companies, offer insights on how to overcome barriers to preventing food waste and food losses, ensuring that data collection and verification is improved and cooperating with foreign partners on know-how and sharing of experiences.

Once a year the think tank will offer the Danish goverment recommendations for actions within the focus areas.

All documents are in Danish.

The staff of Onethird


Emilie Mille Müller

Project Manager (on leave)


Portrætfoto Lea OT-hjemmeside_2

Lea Stoustrup Brandt

Head of Secretariat



Articles of association (vedtægt)


Rules of procedure (forretningsorden)
